Saturday 30 April 2011

Final designs,

This is a collection of the signage posters I have created for the interior of the new building. I wanted to create a road works effect for the school to show that students at the Brit School are a work in progress of the people they want to become. The signs also show a humorous side portraying the fun and playful nature that the Brit School holds.

Final designs,

I felt using simple poses to show people eating and drinking would be a clear sign to use that would show people to the canteen.

Final designs,

These are the designs that would show the way to the toilets/ be on the toilet doors.
Showing a humorous aspect of male and female stereotypes, e.g. women only go to the toilet to have a gossip and fix their make-up.

Final designs,

These are the designs that will be used to show visitors and students the way to certain strand areas, e.g. Dance, Theatre, and Visual Arts and Design.

Blu (Mural Artist)

After looking at John Fekner's work I warmed to the idea of creating a mural collaborating all the men in the road work style signs i'm going to make.

I then started to look into mural artists and found Blu. This is a piece showing Jesus drowning in guns and weaponry. Although this is nothing to do with my concept I liked the look of everything being so busy and all the guns on top of each other, this made me think that I could create a pile-on effect with my silohetted men, and perhaps create a mural on an outside wall. This would also give the visitors a feel of the signage throughout the building and prepare them for the busy but playful nature of the Brit School environment.

John Fekner research,

I began looking at stencil artists to see whether I wanted to use a particular style of stencil drawing, or stick to the basic style that is used for road signs.

These are stencil pieces done by John Fekner, he creates work in New York, Sweden, Germany, England and Canada. The theme of his pieces are to address environmental issues and show certain conceptual ideas.

I found it interesting looking at the progression between these two pieces. I like the idea of using a sinple stencil and then turning it into a mural style piece. This is something I may consider to my wayfinding/signage designs. For example I could use the silohettes of the people in my wayfinding signs to then create a mural on an outside wall? showing the collaboration of art, dance and theatre students in the school.

Evaluation of designs so far,

Looking at the designs I've created so far using photoshop, I think they're ok but they need to be refined. To progress and develop my ideas I need to make a clear decision as to which idea I want to use as for my final proposal.

Here is a trial I did to see if combining the two ideas would work at all: I used magazine pages to create a collage style background and then added the 'Work in Progress' sign to show the road work idea that I initially had.

After going through my idea during my tutorial I agreed that it would be better to stick to just one idea and fully commit to it.

I decided to focus on the Road Works idea, and take it on a comical pathway to add humour to the building. I felt this would work well given the Brit School as my client as it takes the simple 'We are a work in progress' idea on a new direction. It will also play to the agegroup of the students I'm designing for hopefully adding a light humourous feel to a place that cam often bring nerves e.g waiting for an audition, performing in a production...

Targets to improve initial idea:

1. Print images of men in different poses relevant to the signage I want to create. e.g. eating, doing art...

2. Decide on a common theme for the signs.

3. Begin making these signs, photograph them and add them to the blog.